Exhibition Information
Welcome To Our Virtual Exhibition
Key Information
It is the intention of these exhibition boards to provide you with a summary of the key aspects of the proposed outline planning application. More guidance is also contained within the Frequently Asked Questions section of this website. Once you have reviewed this material, we would encourage you to complete our online feedback questionnaire.
Exhibition Boards
Please click on links below to view information.
- Welcome
- Background - Planning Policy
- Background - What stage are we at?
- The Vision for West Mildenhall
- The Planning Application - Amount of Development - for Approval
- The Planning Application - Draft Density Parameter Plan - for Approval
- The Planning Application - Draft Storey Heights Parameter Plan - for Approval
- The Planning Application - Draft Access and Movement Parameter Plan - for Approval
- The Planning Application - Draft Green Infrastructure Parameter Plan - for Approval
- The Planning Application - The Draft Illustrative Layout
- Green Infrastructure - Multi-functional Green Infrastructure
- Green Infrastructure - Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems
- Transport & Movement - Walking and Cycling Strategy
- Transport & Movement - Public Transport Strategy
- Transport & Movement - Potential Transport and Movement Improvements
- Sustainability
- Summary of Constraints Mapping - Primary Constraints
- Summary of Constraints Mapping - Identified Constraints