Land West of Mildenhall
Welcome to this public exhibition being held by Suffolk County Council.
Welcome to Our Virtual Exhibition
Seeking Local Views
Welcome to this public exhibition being held by Suffolk County Council as the lead promotor. They are proposing to build a new community on a site known as Land West of Mildenhall.
The new community would include houses, parks, a new school, a new local centre, and an area for jobs. It also includes new community facilities at the Mildenhall Hub, which has already been built and opened.
We have held two previous consultations (in 2021 and 2022) about the proposed Masterplan, a high-level strategic document intended to provide guidance to any future planning applications submitted on the site. This Masterplan was adopted in November 2022.
This consultation seeks your views on our proposed outline planning application for the land.
The main Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) are located here and our comments page is here .
Accessing Exhibition Information
This public consultation relates to a proposed outline planning application on the site.
Click here to download a copy of the Red Line Boundary Plan.
This public consultation is seeking your views on the proposals, including a set of draft Parameter Plans – drawings which provide a high-level overview as to how the application site could be developed that will accompany the outline planning application. These parameter plans cover land use, density, building height, landscape and open spaces, and access and movement.

The following list provides links to the draft Parameter Plans:
- Land Use Parameter Plan (which shows how the different land uses will be spread across the site)
- Density Parameter Plan (which shows where the greatest and lowest concentration of dwellings will be across the site)
- Storey Heights Parameter Plan (which shows where the maximum height zones will be within the site)
- Access and Movement Parameter Plan (which shows the main indicative routes through which motorists, cyclists and pedestrians will access and move around the application site)
- Green Infrastructure Parameter Plan (which shows the overall extent of land which may be used for open space)
If you would like to learn more about the proposed outline planning application, we would recommend that you look at:
- The exhibition boards which provide an overview of the contents of the outline planning application. Click here to access the exhibition boards.
- A series of Main FAQs which provides a comprehensive explanation of what an outline planning application is and what the Parameter Plans show. It also provides contextual background regarding the two previous public consultations and specifies the type of feedback that could influence the final outline planning application. The main Frequently Asked Questions are located here.
Public Exhibition - 21st February 2023
This public consultation is virtually-led, with a range of materials available on this website to learn more about the proposed outline planning application. This will be supported by an exhibition at the Mildenhall Hub on Tuesday 21st February from 2pm to 8pm.
Virtual Meeting
A virtual meeting is being offered (primarily for members of the public who work in, use, or own commercial units on the industrial estate). This meeting is to consult on the planning proposals, and more specifically to share the details of the proposed highways works on the industrial estate at Fred Dannatt Road.
The meeting will be on Thursday 9th February and will run from 19:00 – 20:00
To join on your computer, mobile app or room device
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 313 978 683 598
Passcode: ihQF5H