Transport & Movement

Public Transport Strategy

The development will be designed to encourage travel by bus. Bus stops could be provided along the spine road a within 400 metres walking distance of dwellings, open space, schools, and local centre, making these highly accessible.

There is a bus terminus being delivered as part of the Mildenhall Hub, which could offer good public transport service for the development.

Access Strategy

Vehicular access to the development will be provided from two new roundabouts on West Row Road.

  • The eastern roundabout will be provided west of the West Row Road / Comet Way / Queensway ‘T’ junction and will provide access to both the northern and southern sections of the development.
  •  The western roundabout will provide access to the southern part of the development and will connect with the eastern roundabout via a spine road.
  •  Facilities for pedestrians and cyclists will be provided on the approaches to the roundabout to assist with crossing.

A gateway feature will be provided to the west of the development to highlight the approach to an urban area. The speed limit along this section of West Row Road would also be reduced to 30 mph. A further vehicular access to the employment land will be provided from the existing industrial area located on Fred Dannatt Way.

Plan showing proposed highway realignment works to provide new access to commercial unit and facilitate a link between existing industrial estate and new employment land.