
Welcome to our virtual Exhibition


Thank you for taking the time to view this public exhibition concerning Suffolk County Council’s draft Masterplan for the Land West of Mildenhall. It relates to a strategic allocation within the adopted Local Plan for mixed-use development. This draft Masterplan has been prepared on behalf of the main landowner (Suffolk County Council) in consultation with the local planning authority (West Suffolk Council).

Suffolk County Council previously consulted with the public in January and February 2021 regarding the background evidence base in the form of technical constraints and opportunities mapping as part of a first step ‘fact finding’ exercise. This current consultation is now consulting on the draft Masterplan, which is the next step, and has been informed by the feedback received earlier this year.

The draft Masterplan out for consultation contains a vision for the future development of the site, background information on the technical constraints and opportunities, a set of framework plans, and a phasing and implementation strategy to co-ordinate the delivery of housing and key infrastructure, such as schools and a local shops.

Purpose of this Presentation

It is the intention of these presentation boards to provide you with a summary of the key information contained within the Draft Masterplan, with further detail provided within the Masterplan document.

More guidance is also contained within the Frequently Asked Questions section of this public consultation website. Once you have reviewed this material, we would encourage you to complete our online feedback form.

Purpose of the Consultation

The purpose of this consultation is to give you the opportunity to share your views on our draft Masterplan for the allocated site.

This feedback will be actively considered when working up the final Masterplan, which will then be submitted to West Suffolk Council for approval in February 2022.