Key Aspects Of The Masterplan

Connectivity and Movement

The proposed Masterplan seeks to support a shift in travel modes through decreasing the use of private vehicles whilst increasing the use of sustainable modes of transportation – walking, cycling and public transport.

The Masterplan’s approach to movement – fully detailed across pages 60-65– is characterised under the following sub-headings:


Following the principles of:

  • Prioritising walking and cycling
  • Enhance public transport provision
  • Extended PROW

Pedestrians and Cyclists

All existing footpaths that transect across the site will be retained. In addition, the Masterplan prioritises the creation of a range of pedestrian and cycle links that will grant easy access throughout the site whilst simultaneously integrating with the existing settlement of Mildenhall as well as surrounding villages such as West Row.

Public Transport

The site will be designed to accommodate buses travelling along West Row Road to use the main spine road through the southern section of the development.

Private Vehicles

Vehicular access to the site will be facilitated through the creation of two new roundabouts on West Row Road. The speed limit along West Row Road will be reduced to 30 mph given its urban setting.

An additional vehicular entry point will be established in the northern section of the development to enable access to the commercial element of the development.

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